1. Be Skeptical: “verify before you share.” Assume you’re wrong – then seek corroborating evidence.
2. Create a habit of fact-checking: Make fact-checking part of your daily routine – no story is complete without it. Don’t rush. Take the time to verify.
3. Find out the essentials: Who, what, where, when, why – and how.
4. The smell test: Does something smell weird? Follow your gut – your intuition – and check it out.
5. Go to the primary source: It’s not enough to say you found someone who reported a fact. Go to the primary, original source of the information. Primary sources are always better than secondary sources. If you don’t know where to go, ask an expert.
6. Leave your bias at home: Are you bringing your bias to work? Make sure to be impartial when you fact check and let the truth lead you in the right direction.
7. Be transparent with your audience: Tell the viewers, listeners, and readers exactly where you got the information. Show the documents you obtained. Be honest if you made a mistake and then issue a correction promptly. Show your work and efforts to get to the truth, because that builds trust with the audience.
Sources: Mark Albert; Barbara Gray, Associate Professor and Chief Librarian, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism; LexisNexis; Duke Reporters’ Lab